Kiteboarding Lessons

Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced( 3 hrs $320), Intermediate and Advanced (2 hrs $220)

Summary: Our experienced instructors will lead you through Kite safety, set-up, and kite and board handling every step of the way, at your own pace.

Full Description: Level 1: Beginner Course 3 hours ($320)

Zero experience is needed for this course. We take you through the beginning setup, safety, piloting inflatable kites, and takedown. The first hour is on land, where you will learn Kite setup, the theory of kite flying, and Kite safety.  This is followed by two hours in the water, learning 3 maneuvers before we add the board. Upon completion of this course, you will be familiar with the wind window, power zones, basic kite operation in the water, basic board handling, and body dragging. We provide all Kite equipment and safety gear necessary for your time on the water.

Full Description: Level 2:  Intermediate Course 2 hours ($215)

After you’ve completed the level 1 course (with us or a previous IKO-certified school) this is the next step to advancing your training. The focus of this course will be water starts, maintaining control of the kite while handling the board, and consistent distance riding. Achievements in this course are hand-eye separation while piloting and handling the board, consistent water starts, and riding in both directions. We provide all kite and safety equipment necessary for your time on the water.


Full Description: Level 3: Advanced Course 2 hours ($215)

You’re on your way! Now that you’ve completed levels 1 & 2, this course will be focused on upwind riding, transitions, and proper body position while riding. Achievements in this course are sustained controlled riding, attempts at transitions, launching and landing your kite, and identifying upwind and downwind riding. All safety and kite equipment will be provided by us.


11 hour Course Package ($999)