Call 361.777.8294 to book lessons today!

  • LEVEL 1 - Beginner course

    3 hours

    Zero experience needed for this course. We take you through the beginning setup, safety, piloting inflatable kites, and takedown. This course is first hour on land followed by two hours in the water. Upon completion of this course you will be familiar with the wind window, power zones, basic kite operation in the water, basic board handling and body dragging.

  • LEVEL 2 - Intermediate course

    2 hours

    After you’ve completed level 1 course (with us or a previous IKO certified school) this is the next step to advancing your training. The focus in this course will be water starts, maintaining control of the kite while handling the board, and consistent distance riding. Achievements in this course are hand eye separation while piloting and handling the board, consistent water starts, and riding both directions.

  • LEVEL 3 - Advanced course

    2 hours

    You’re on your way! Now that you’ve completed levels 1 & 2, this course will be focused on upwind riding, transitions, and proper body position while riding. Achievements in this course are sustained controlled riding, attempts at transitions, and identifying upwind and downwind riding.

11 Hour Course Package - best deal!

Level 1-3 complete course

11 hours

This package is for those who know from the beginning they want to become an independent rider. This includes all of our courses at a discount! Schedule sessions over multiple days with 2hr minimum per lesson day. You’ll follow the same course outline as listed above and have all 11 hours scheduled on the calendar to optimize your kiteboard training on windy days!


Call us at 361.777.8294 and we can help determine the best wind dates for your lesson


Schedule your lesson here:
Click here >>


Let’s ride!